A. Background of The Problem
Increasing of population amount and life style were intense influencing on waste total. The productions of waste in the town region Yogyakarta were 1.700 m3 everyday and that as data by DKKP Yogyakarta town, but which could carried to TPA Piyungan-Bantul probably 1.300 m3 everyday. So become accumulation of waste were 400 m3 everyday. The unoccupied of an lands and flood plain river had been illegal TPS because of it (Anonym, 2007). The waste was material remainder from human activities outcome which threw and not yet economic value. The wastes were evoking of air population, soil population, causing of diseases and destroyer of environment interest (Anonym, 2006).
The all material of providing foods and cesspools from plants or animals shall be decomposing, prior taking into soil becoming the compost organic. The process of moldy organic material had been natural manner on the opening environment, which had cooperated with microorganism of soil or rumen in ruminant with condition of damp and humidity (Anonym, 2006). The decomposing process by activator making had been more than quick, because of the lignolitic microbes disentangled of cellulose and lignin so become derivate lignin that fastened of NH4. The celluloses microbial were hydrolysis of celluloses so become glucose and the last ferments that lactate acid, ethanol, CO2 and Ammoniac. The proteolytic microbes shall be change appearances of protein so become free amino acid, water, and CO2. Beside that, the decomposing activator which enriching by photosynthetic bacteria, phosphate solvent, Azotobacter, actinomyceter, leavened and lactobacillus had been relative of warm endure (Anonym, 2006).
The problems of waste accumulation can be overcome with activator microbes for decomposing process (Sugiyanto, 2005). The one of activator was using of elephants fesses. This research will have been isolation, purifying and characterize isolate microbes from elephants fesses, end then it was multiply become inoculums sources and application of capability for decomposing of organic waste.
B. Problem Formulation
Increasing of population amount and life style were intense influencing on waste total. The productions of waste in the town region Yogyakarta were 1.700 m3 everyday and that as data by DKKP Yogyakarta town, but which could carried to TPA Piyungan-Bantul probably 1.300 m3 everyday. So become accumulation of waste were 400 m3 everyday. The unoccupied of an lands and flood plain river had been illegal TPS because of it (Anonym, 2007). The all material of providing foods and cesspools from plants or animals shall be decomposing, prior taking into soil becoming the compost organic.
The problems of waste accumulation can be overcome with activator microbes for decomposing process (Sugiyanto, 2005). The one of activator was using of elephants fesses. This research will have been isolation, purifying and characterize isolate microbes from elephants fesses, end then it was multiply become inoculums sources and application of capability for decomposing of organic waste.
C. Research Objectives
1) Characterize fungi and bacteria from elephants fesses on medium of hemicelluloses contain (waste of organic market).
2) Examine of inoculum fungi application and/or bacteria on activities of decomposing process in the waste organic market.
A. Organic Waste
The waste was substances not in using again, all kind shaped of output material from home hole, market or industries which had been becoming of residue industries process (Apriadji, 2005). Apriadji, 2005 was classified of waste becomes two grubs appropriate of decomposed velocity. The first was moldy waste, this waste grub had been of residue food from home hole or output secondary by activities market as it vegetables market. The second was not moldy natural, although age so long.
The materials decomposing in this research were organic waste market. The organic waste market was banishment output from activities in the market (example; vegetables and fruits were not in using). Organic waste or vegetables were contain of hemicelluloses. Hemicelluloses was an substrate in the wall of plant cell, it use string with pectin and cooperate with cellulose for form of fiber tissue.
D-Pentose sugar was the greatest number of contents in hemicelluloses, observers by composition of hemicelluloses glucoses method of tie-drying material being woven are more short comparable with cellulose. The hemicelluloses were probably 200 glucose unit, whereas celluloses are 7000-15000 glucose unit. The Structure of hemicelluloses hadn’t been the shape or disorder and very easy hydrolysis by acid liquid or cellulose enzyme (Anonym, 2006).
The decomposing process of saw dusts had been low of N2 contents, it are < 0,1 % and ratio C/N between 200-500. The dates were giving of observes that organic waste market have N2 contents high more and ratio C/N low, because organic waste materials are soft more.
B. Process of Decomposition
Compost is nature fertilizer which had been green materials and organic materials with additional amounts for fasting of decomposing process, examples feces livestock. The composting are controlling decomposing process of biology manner on organic of compact residue in aerobic condition or anaerobic condition. The organic materials shall be changing as soil (Djuarnani et ll, 2006). As long as composting process shall be changing more. The changing are decomposing protein between amides and amino acid becoming ammoniac, CO2 and water, so that level of N2 soluble (ammonia) increased (Astuti, 2002).
Microorganisms have been principal useful in decomposing process. The useful of Microorganisms are organic materials decomposing. The decomposing of materials organic are changing the appearances by microorganisms on organic substances becoming plain substances. The beginning of decomposing process are protrude of fermentations process more.
The fermentations are dissolving of essences and lipids which had been simply of substances chemises, so its can assimilated by microorganisms. The time long of decomposing process are still of changing all substances. That are protein dissolving between amides and amino acid becoming ammoniac, CO2 and waters, so that level of N2 soluble (ammonia) increased (Astuti, 2002).
C. Microorganisms
The microorganisms are important factors in decomposing process, because this microorganisms were changing the appearances of organic materials becoming composts. The hundreds of microorganisms species priority of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes are using in decomposing process on organic materials from soils. The decomposing shall be long perpetuating, if microorganisms account are firstly very least.
On the decomposing process of identify by Inoculants (starter or activator) are compound materials of consist by enzyme, acid and microorganisms as bacteria culture (Djuarnani dkk, 2006). The based on habitat condition, temperature primary, microorganisms are involving in decomposing, which were consist by mesophilic and termophilic.
The purposes of mesophilic microorganisms are making particles of organic materials measure becoming smaller, so that spread of materials surfaces had been increasing and accelerating of decomposing process. Whereas, termophilic bacteria have been growing on limited time, which had been function for consumptions of carbohydrates and proteins so materials compost becoming accelerant degradation (Djuarnani et all, 2006).
The long time decomposing process by aerobic manner, microorganisms population are changing continue. On the phase termophilic, Thermopiles actinomycetes are growing start and the population continue of increasing, because this bacteria had been endure by warm concerning. On the decomposing process, microorganisms have been thousand of enzymes specific outside, which had been involving materials of becoming materials food for the microorganisms. Example, microorganisms are celluloses enzyme of outbidding and changing of celluloses becoming glucoses. This glucoses shall be using by microorganisms and CO2 production.
D. Activator and Isolation
Activator is all of materials for increasing of microorganisms activities on the decomposing process (Sutantoo, 2002 b) cit Sugiyanto, 2005. The nature activator is activator with decomposing process by livestock feces and dry bloods. Whereas making activator is activator which contained of deliberate microbial in the liquid media, example; Orga Dec, EM4 dan Biang Kompos.
The decomposing of waste could be livestock feces which using as activator. The elephant feces are containing of Ruminants bacteria for decomposing process of organic materials becoming availability materials. The result of Sugiyanto (2005) Research that capability of nature activator and making activator for decomposing process on the solid waste of oil coconut are that elephant feces have same capability of decomposing process rather than Biang Kompos and EM4. The microorganisms were bringing by elephant feces, then isolation and growing on the Czapek media for fungi and Decker Mann media for bacteria because on the both of media are contents of cellulose ,so bacteria are growing on the media and have of degradation capability for organic materials.
The using of microbial from elephant feces had been treatment of bacteria 7,5 ml + Fungi 7,5 ml hoping of fasting decomposing and making radical change process on the wastes of market organic.
A. Time and Location of Research
This research of implementation in the Green House and Laboratory of Faculty Agriculture, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, on September-November 2009.
B. Research of Materials and Instruments
1. Materials
The materials of needed are wastes of market organic, isolate from elephant feces, Czapek media (to fungi media), Decker Mann (to bacteria media), rice sifting (to multiply of isolate), media of liquid NA ( to multiply of bacteria isolate), sterile water, disinfectant and alcohol.
2. Instruments
Draglink, measure pipette, stitch ooze, thermometer, knife, weights analytic, stove, autoclave, stirring spoon, measure glass, reaction tube, Erlenmeyer, lamp of Bunsen, Petridis, micropipette, shaker, washbasin, beaker glass, pH stick and burette.
C. Methodology of Research
This research of implementation with method of Laboratories testing was complex random sampling with factorial 3 X 3 increase of without inoculums and every sample of triple, and then the first factorial are kind of inoculums and the second factor are giving of inoculums doses. The treatments are:
BOJO = without Inoculums
B5JO = Bacteria 5 ml/500 g
B10JO = Bacteria 10 ml/500 g
B15JO = Bacteria 15 ml/500 g
BOJ5 = Fungi 5 ml/500 g
BOJ10 = Fungi 15/500 g
BOJ15 = Bacteria 2,5 ml + Fungi 2,5 ml/500 g
B + J10 = Bacteria 5 ml + Fungi 5 ml/500 g
B + J15 = Bacteria 7,5 ml + Fungi 7,5 ml/500 g
D. Arrangement of Research Resembling
This research using were elephant feces from Kandang Gajah Kraton Yogyakarta for isolate. This research will be implemented of stage, include: (1) Characterizes and skinning of isolate; (2) multiply of inoculums; (3) testing of inoculums on an organic wastes; (4) analysis of physic characters, chemist and biology of decomposing process.
Stage I : Characterizes and skinning of isolate
Isolate are first multiply after that characterizes. Characterizes are include colony characters (colony color, edge form, structure, elevation, motilities). The characterize of cell ( cell form and gram characteristic). The next step are screening for knowing of isolate-bacteria capability and fungus on the degradation process of organic materials.
Stage II : Multiply of Inoculums
The purpose of Multiply – Inoculums purposes is restrain of isolate not becoming of broken or dead. The multiply was by the way inoculation on the PDA Potato Dextrose Agar) media for fungus and NA (Natrium Agar) media for bacteria. Every isolate are multiplying become of 5 reaction tube.
Stage III : Testing of Inoculums on the Organic Waste
The testing of degradation capability on the organic wastes are inoculation in the organic wastes from market waste with treatment. Before application of multiply by fungus inoculums and bacteria for multiply of amount cell, are treatment on the rice sifting media and multiply of bacteria on the NC media.
Stage IV : Analysis of physic characteristic, chemist and compost biology
The examine perfunctorily of capability and fasting of decomposing process was treatment of analysis on the physic characteristic, chemist and compost biology
a. The physic characteristic includes : changing of temperature, crumbs and color of compost.
b. The chemist characteristic includes : pH, C-organic, ratio C/N, Phosphor – available, Calcium – available, capacity of ratio surface and amount of tetras acid.
c. The biology characteristic includes: dynamics of microbial population and variety of microbe ( bacteria, fungus or aktynomicetes).
E. Variables of Observation
Variables of Observation includes :
1. Counting of microbial amount and analysis of microbial variety treaded of every once week.
2. Characteristic of microbial (isolate)
3. The characteristic of physic and chemist compost
4. The characteristic of chemist and testing of physiology (pH, C-organic, ratio C/N, and materials of organic).
F. Analysis of Dates
The result of observation on the overview were that analysis of quantitative with analysis of Sidik Ragam by testing of ‘F’ with standard of wrong 5% only. If founded of really difference, so continue of Duncan testing (DMRT) with standard of wrong 5% only. The mineralizes dates of materials organic was using by descriptive analysis.
A. Isolation and Characterize of Microorganisms
1. Isolation of Microorganisms
Isolation of Microorganisms were been doing by previous research. The isolate of degradation bacteria and fungus from elephant feces. The microorganisms in the elephant feces were been isolation and growing on the PDA and NA media. The microorganisms of ready growled, then its had multiply for substitute. The result of isolate had been content of some fungi and bacteria of growing. The bacteria of ready growled, then its are doing of characterize for purposes of microorganisms characteristic.
2. Characterizes of Microorganisms
Characterizes were carry out by previous research except characterizes of soluble-phosphates capability and degradation of organic waste. The characterizes discovered of 4 fungus and bacteria numbers. They are FD-G1, FD-G2, FD-G3 and FD-G4. The all discovered of fungus / fungi had been chemo heterotrophy characterizes, it is have capability of degradable organic substrates as carbon source and oxidations process becoming source energy. The one number of fungus by four number was actinomycetes, it is mucus fungi which instead of prokaryotic organisms and eukaryotic. While, the FD-G2 isolate was fungus’s Haifa and ascosporic form as spore accumulation on the Haifa tip. The first testing was been doing of characterizes for knowing that discovered microorganism could degradation of vegetables waste with growing on the Czapek media and Deck man which combining by organic waste from market. The result of first testing were been microorganism of discovering that could decomposing process of wastes. It are coding that growing microorganism on the bold media can growing better.
B. The Multiply of Inoculums
The purposes of multiply – inoculums are to increased of inoculums amount and using for reserves. The multiply of inoculums was using by the way inoculation with medium, the fungus inoculums inoculation on the PDA (Potato dextrose Agar) media, but the bacteria inoculums inoculation on the (Natrium Agar) media. Every inoculums were multiply for 5 reaction tube then one reaction tube tube inoculation becoming of one reaction tube by ooze.
C. Application of Inoculums
Before of inoculums to applicator in the organic wastes, it were growing on the media of rice siftings to fungi and media of liquid NA to bacteria, that it has purposes for easier pf application. The Wastes of organic market are using mixer by variety of vegetables.
The inoculums of fungi on the rice siftings media were amount of 2-3 ooze and then motionless until 2 X 24 hour. The inoculums of bacteria which were inoculation on the liquid NA media of 1 ooze amount, each of chemistry tube is still motionless until 2 X 24 hour and the aeration of support by growing bacteria.
1. The microorganisms Isolate which founded of four bacteria isolate and four fungi isolate from feces of elephant. The all of fungi and bacteria isolate were successfully of isolation, so it have been capability reduction of materials organic (chemo heterotrophy), which have been capable for decomposing of materials organic. One of bacteria isolate which capable to soluble of phosphate is BD-G5 bacteria.
2. The wastes of market organic are relative unneeded of inoculums in fasting of decomposing process.
The degradation of material organic are needing of additional amount materials organic for know of affectivity by isolate of bacteria and fungi from feces of elephant.
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Djuarnani, D.H dan laksmita P.S., 2006., Cara Cepat Membuat Kompos., Agromedia Pustaka. Jakarta.
Goenadi,D.H dan Laksmita P.S., 2006., Aplikasi Bioaktivator Super Dec dalam Pengomposan Limbah Padat Organik Tebu (Application of Super Dec Bio-activator in Composting Sugar Cane Solid Organic Wastes)., Buletin Agronomi vol. XXXIV No.3.
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The origin isolate of fungus on the PDA media
Characterization of fungus
Skinning on the Czaprk media + organic waste polders from market
The multiply of fungus inoculums on the PDA media
The origin isolate of bacteria on the NA media
Characterization of bacteria
Skinning on the Dech mann media + organic waste polders from market
The multiply of bacteria inoculums on the PDA media
Inoculation on the organic wastes and incubation for long time four weeks.
Characteristics Analysis of Physic and Chemist compost :
a. Physic characteristic
- Changing of Temperature - Compost color
- Crumbs - Water capacity
b. Chemist characteristic
- pH - ph – provide
- C – organic - K – provide
- N – total - Tetrarch acid
- Ratio of C / N - KTK
c. Biology characteristic
- Dynamics of microbial population
- The growing of microbial variety
A. Czapek Media
Materials :
1) NaNO3 0,25 g
2) KCl 0,06 g
3) MgSO4.7H2O 0,06 g
4) K2.HPO4 0,12 g
5) FeSO4.7H2O 0,001 g
6) Organic wastes 1,29 g
7) Aqueduct 130 ml
8) Agar 2,47 g
9) pH 6 – 7
Manner of Making :
1) The all instruments shall be using first sterilization.
2) Making of media by weighing materials, then its were soluble
3) Enrage by stove.
4) Increasing of agar in the media soluble.
5) The soluble become 1000 ml with aqueduct.
6) Manage of pH until reach of 7
7) Entering of media in the (Erlenmeyer, Petridis and tube reaction)
8) Sterilization of media with autoclave on temperature 1210 C and pressure of 1 atmosphere until 15 minute.
B. Decker Mann Media